
Ryan Anderson From Australia, ‘The World’s Biggest Dog Lover’




Dog, the incarnation of true love. In its love, there is no selfishness and it won’t hesitate even a second to sacrifice it’s life for its owner.

There are some people who considers themselves as dog lovers but Ryan Anderson from Australia considers himself the "world's biggest dog lover." He also calls himself a "crazy dog lady man," too.

While he aims to help as many animals as possible, he has only two permanent pets – a Rottweiler named Goose and a cat named Krumm. “The less dogs I own the more I can foster is my motto,” said Anderson.


Yes, it’s a very big statement but its worth if you peek into his life. In his entire life, there isn’t a single part which doesn’t involve dogs. He works full time as an animal welfare inspector with the RSPCA.


Even in his free time, he strives to make the world a better place for every dog he meets.

"I started out just volunteering on weekends with various rescue groups, attending events, fostering dogs, transporting animals and donating, and now I also promote rescue dog events, fundraisers, adoptable animals through my social media as well as educational posts for promoting responsible dog ownership," Anderson told The Dodo.


His mission is to meet as many different dogs as possible. Weird isn’t it? Yes, it is his passion.

The more dogs he met, he changed his mission from "meet all the dogs" to "spread compassion and awareness about rescue dogs".


Awesome, isn’t it?

"Initially, I was just out on a personal mission to get a photo with every different dog breed in the world," Anderson said.


But, he decided to educate the general public.

On his Instagram account "Aussie Dog Guy," he started sharing his experience of meeting the various dogs of the world, while also teaching people about the importance of rescuing and all the joy it brings.




Just from the pictures, you can understand how much Anderson loves and adores every dog and cat he meets …

"Not only is it my full-time job to work with rescue animals, it is also my passion and hobby," Anderson said. "I live and breathe dogs."


"The less dogs I own the more I can foster is my motto," Anderson said. "My favorite part would definitely be the moment one of your foster dogs finds his forever home. It's sad to say goodbye, but it opens up a new spot for another foster to join the family."


"I have a pipe dream to someday have my own rescue organization/farm to help re-home long-term rescue dogs as well as behaviorally challenged dogs," Anderson said.  


Literally, he dedicated every moment of his life to rescue dogs. And yes, he is really the “World's Biggest Dog Lover”. You are really great Anderson. The work you are doing is amazing.

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Pavani Bharathula
I am Pavani, stands for highly deterministic, self-motivator, highly individual, independent and bold person; like to inspire and motivate people through my writings and speeches.

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