Undoubtedly, Environmental science is the best subject in our childhood. Each page contains a few unknown yet interesting scientific facts. What if we tell you that a number of facts that you were told by your teachers are absolute myth? Ok! Today we will unveil the reality to you. So let us browse through our list.
1. Different Part Of The Tongue

In fourth or fifth standard you have been told that you can taste the sweet from the tip of tongue and salt from the side of the tongue. Moreover, the hind part of the tongue helps you to detect bitter taste. But the scientific fact was actually a pseudo fact. And, later it was discovered that you can sense any taste anywhere on your tongue.
2. We Have Only 5 Senses

It is what we had been taught. However, it is not true as there are many senses and there is no undisputed number of senses. The proprioception is considered to be one of the senses in our body. Apart from it, there are many more. To illustrate, hunger, sensing hot and cold.
3. The Tallest Mountain In The World

No doubt, everyone will say, Mount Everest is the tallest. But, it is not true, the height of the Mt. Everest is 8848 meter. However, the height of Mauna Kea (Hawaii) is 10,200 meter. 4206 meter height of the mountain is above the sea level and the rest of the part is underwater. So technically it is the tallest mountain.
4. Great Wall Of China Can Be Seen From The Space

Likewise many other people, you have trusted this one. However, it is just a myth. The great wall is just 20 meter wide so it is not visible from space.
5. Sahara Desert Is The Largest Desert

Sahara is the largest if we talk about the hot deserts in the world. However, it is the third largest desert in the world, smaller than polar deserts. Moreover, the largest desert is Antarctic Polar Desert. Sahara is spread over 3.6 square miles while Antarctica is spread over 5.5 square miles.
6. Nile Is The Longest River

Perhaps it was a fact back then, but now Amazon is the longest river. According to national geographic news, doing an expedition, the Brazilian scientists extended Amazon by 400 kilometers. Now the length of Amazon River is 6,800 kilometer, on the other hand Nile River is 6,695 kilometer long.
Do you know about other scientific facts that turned out to be myths? Share with us.