6. Don’t Turn Away

“I was a kid when this happened. My uncle and I were finishing up chopping and gathering firewood for my grandmother because it was getting dark. Driving back on a dirt road at about 30mph (give or take 5mph) I had this awful sense of being watched.
Before even I could turn my head my uncle shouted “Don’t” and started to pray in our native language. I heard tap sounds from behind the window in the passenger seat and all I could feel is my uncle rose the speed in that roads and I couldn’t breathe and was terrified of what was going on with taps from one side and my uncle saying prayers and shouting me to look at him and not turn towards my window.
After a couple of mins, it was all subsided. And then later my uncle said, “ we will tell your father to perform prayers so that the evil forgets our faces” I was shaking on hearing this and then we continued saying prayers until we reached our grandmother’s. The words will never stop to terrify me.” Don’t turn around”.
7. The Old Piano

“When I was in eighth grade I went on a school trip that was called the Louisiana Tour. It was mostly going around to significant sights in south Louisiana. One of the places we went was Myrtles Plantation, which is considered to be one of the most haunted places in the country.
There are all kinds of stories about the place, but at one point we were standing in a room as a part of a larger group and the tour guide was talking about something, I don’t remember what. As I’m standing there I start to hear what sounds like someone hitting a piano key. After I heard it a couple of times I started to look around for the source of the noise. I didn’t see a piano, but I was still hearing such noises and asked my friends and fellow mates if they heard it too and they all denied.
But the noise wouldn’t leave my ears and I continued to look around. And there caught a women’s eye who was looking around too. She was as puzzled as I was and looked straight into my eye. Hence pointed to her ear I realized she asked if I heard it too. I nodded. And while we were both confused the guide told a story about a soldier. Who died playing the piano and people visiting that place claim to hear him still. We just realized we were one among. Being confused if we were lucky enough. Or is this someone kind of a bad sign. Later when I left that place I spoke to that lady. And it seemed like she has heard the same as me but her husband and son hadn’t.
8. Bloody Mary

This urban legend is about a young girl named Mary Worth, who was very pretty and would spend hours admiring herself in her bathroom mirror. But there came a day when she had met with an accident and her face was deformed and she has to stay in bed with the same face. Despite people telling her not to go near the mirror she crept and pulled herself near the mirror and saw her face deformed and shouted and cried and eventually killed herself by then and it is said that her spirit entered into the mirror. It is still believed if someone dared to switch their bathroom lights on and off and then said – bloody mary thrice she would appear.
9. A life-Saving Premonition

“Me (aged 7) my brother (aged 4) and my mother were on our way home from watching a movie. While we are pulling up to our driveway my mum tells us to stay still and not move. She closes her eyes and looks shaken up about something. She continues to tell us to stay down and be quiet.
Then in a hurry, she pulls out of the driveway and drives off while calling my stepfather. My stepfather was a cop and she told him to come back up to the house. He was asking why and she just adamantly told him to do it. When we got back to the house there was a man being handcuffed and taken away.
Hence my stepfather and a detective were there and were asking her what she saw. She said she’d seen nothing, but that she’d had some sort of vision where a man came out of our bushes, pulled out like a 12-inch blade and forced us into the house.
10. The Rocking Horse

Therefore one night, when I was maybe 10-12, I had trouble falling asleep. My bedroom was the entire top floor of our house with my bed and such being on the left side and storage closets and a play area being on the right. I was lying in bed when I heard a noise from the other side of the room and see a rocking horse begin to rock. It was sitting just outside one of the storage closet doors. It proceeded to rock its way halfway across the room and stopped dead under the ceiling light. At this point, I was freaking out and just buried my head under my blankets and never peeked out again until morning. I was sure it’s not a dream. And I was confused what else was it?
Almost everyone has their own ghost story wherein they have experienced something freaky or unnatural. Many people set out on quests to find ghosts and to inspect the places that are supposedly haunted. Not all ghosts are scary, check out these hot looking Bollywood female ghosts to calm yourself!