
Illustrations Which Show You The Shocking Reality Of Life

Shocking realizations in life depicted in illustrationsvia

9. Art Is A Way Of Survival

When Silent people fell in love with music or art

When Silent people fall in love with music or art, this is how it would look.  The connection you feel with music and art when you are a true admirer is just incomparable and no words could explain that but with experience one shall feel it.


10. Women Wearing Wooden Bathing Suits, 1920

Women in 1920s wore wooden bathing suits to promote the Gray harbor Lumber industry

Women in 1920s wore wooden bathing suits to promote the Gray harbor Lumber industry. Such innovation and creativity! Advertisement industries always had a kick to it, eh?

11. Literature

Literature is dying because of the interenet

There’s something crazy about the literature in the world. People have started discarding books and have started going for digital versions of them.


12. Image Illustrating Social Issues


Social network occupying studying boy

You know how kids these days are, always on their phone, everywhere, every day, every time. Well, that is what is depicted in the above picture.

Vijay Alagar
the authorVijay Alagar
Young and Ambitious; Better at Videogames than at life. Works as a creative writer by day, Batman at night.