There are so many things that separate a real man from a boy. Usually the women complain that the real men do not exist anymore. Similarly, there is a huge different between a real woman and a girl. So today we have brought you 10 signs that will state if you are dating a real woman or a girl.
1. She Always Whines About Her Struggle

If she is always whining about her struggles it means she is not aware about the reality of life. To conclude, she is just a girl that wants everything given to her.
2. She Always Needs Her Mother For Taking A Decision

This is the main trait that separates a real woman from a girl. The real woman does know how to take her own decisions and how to take matter into her own hands.
3. She Doesn’t Know Your Expectations

She got some expectations from you. Similarly, you also got some expectations from her. If she does not understand, either leave her or keep on being her babysitter.
4. She Wants A Fairy Tale Life

Almost all the girls desire for a life like “Fairy Tales”. Hence, it should be your prime focus to wake her up from this dream. There are majority of chances that she won’t listen to you. So, you better be ready to leave her.
5. Lie, Steal And Cheat

Undoubtedly, this is intolerable. Usually, these kinds of qualities are found in girls not in the real women.
6. She Spies On You

Whenever you get a call from a female friend or colleague, her ear perks up and the James Bond mode activates inside her. So you should waste no time, just discuss with her, if she doesn’t stop it, leave her.
7. She Chronically Discuss About Her Ex

Perhaps her ex was a real charmer. However, if she is living in the past No doubt, she is not growing. Moreover, she is the same teenager that she used to be at that time.
8. She Can’t Speak Logically

Whenever she opens her mouth, she introduces a new level of stupidity. Moreover, her arguments are far away from the shadow of logic. It is clear that she needs to grow up.
9. She Posts Almost Everything On Facebook

Perhaps, she is in love with you. However, she needs to tell you personally, not over the social media. If she does such things it means she is seeking attention over social media and real women don’t seek attention.
10. “Aamdani Atthani Kharcha Rupaiyaa”

No doubt, the extravagant lifestyle fascinates almost everyone but she needs to accept the truth. Moreover, those expensive goods are of no use if you are struggling to pay your rent.
Agree or disagree? Share with us. if you want to know the signs which proves whether the girl is single or not, you can find those tips here in Entertales.