Each festival that is celebrated in India has great meaning. One of those is Dussehra festival. Even a person who doesn’t have devotion towards God will feel vibrant energy once they visit Durga temple.
Any kind of person will get attracted to the stage decorations, magnificent poojas, performance arts, and processions of God.
In every state of India, you will witness different kinds of celebrations. However, it’s quite different in Kolkata. A certain Kumortuli in Kolkata becomes more alive during Dussehra festival time where Kumortuli is the land of artisans in Northern Kolkata.
God is in murti or idol too as he is invited with veda mantras. And for the entire puja to be auspicious, the idols need to be created with the right mixture of ‘Punya mati’ or blessed soil.

Where can we get that?
From the banks of Ganges, cow dung and cow urine and a handful of soil. This soil is known as “Punya Maati”
But do you know from where Kumortuli’s are collecting?
From outside a prostitutes’ home.
And the interesting part is, the priest must beg for the soil from a sex worker and they should give it as a blessing.
Yes, you read it right.
If you are wondering why the priest must ask for the mud from the brothels, then you will be surprised with the fact.
A man leaves his trueness and his purity behind when he enters a prostitute’s house. Thus, all his pureness lies right outside her house in the soil present there. So, the soil is the purest and it is the reason why it is used in the making of the idol.
Interesting, isn’t it?
There are some men who treat women as a thing only for sex. They forget that they came from the womb of a woman. When every could person see godliness in other woman then there won’t be any atrocities in the society. And our “Dharma” gets the life again.
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