4. Shakira- When I Become A Famous Artist

Shakira had interest in music since an early age. Her sound was not pleasant that time but she worked hard on it and improved it to a level that everyone is pleased by her voice. When she was a kid her father took her to an orphanage there, she decided that she would help these kids when she becomes a popular artist. After a long struggle, she got the hold of success.
5. Steve Jobs- The University Dropout

Steve Jobs is one of the most successful businessmen now. However, there was a time when he used to sleep on the floor to attend the classes. He was a university dropout. Unlike any other man, he accepted the struggle and at the age of 21, he invented the computer with multiple fonts. He never gave up and rose to success.
6. Walt Disney- World Of Imagination

Whenever we hear the name Walt Disney we think about the contents of our imagination. The name has become synonymous with imagination. But, there was a time when Walt Disney used to work in a newspaper but got fired as he was considered less imaginative by his editor. Before grabbing the success, Disney was turned down 302 for the finance of Disney World.