Signs and symbols play very important role in our everyday’s life. Today we unconsciously use various symbols without even thinking that what is the origin of these symbols and from where they originated.
Here are some symbols whose meanings are wrongly interpreted. Now, these meanings are publically accepted and everyone uses them.
1. Skull And Bones

We all consider skull and bones as the symbol of death and danger but it also represents eternal life and transformation. Bones remains unharmed even after the death and this makes them the symbol of eternal life. In Europe, this sign can be seen outside cemetery gates. Many painters used this icon in their paintings.
Skull and bones commonly projected as the symbol of pirates in movies but the fact is that different pirate gangs had different symbols. Black Jack was the sign of Pirate Edward, Skull and bones symbol was used by Robert Louis Stevenson in his novel Treasure Island.
2. Cross Of Saint Peter

Saint Peter’s cross is considered as the anti-Christian symbol but the story behind this symbol is way different. Apostle Peter was going to be crucified but he refused and suggested he does not deserve this kind death. In the end, he crucified upside down.
3. Triquetra

The triquetra is actually a real symbol, not just a tv charmed symbol and used at medieval ages to mark the position of the sun. it was quite famous among Celts and the Scandinavians.
4. Olympic Rings

Everyone knows that five rings of different colours represent five continents, yellow represents Asia, red America, black Africa, blue Australia, and green Europe. But in fact, Baron Pierre de Coubertin’s, co-founder of modern Olympics intent behind these rings was that all countries flags can be made using these colours and white in the background.
5. Hamsa

Hamsa, famous as the hand of Fatima. It is prominent in Jewish and Arabic culture. This symbol also has a connection with palm-shaped mano Pantea amulet, which is found in ancient Rome and Egypt. In later period it also appeared in Christianity and it represents as the hand of blessings.
6. Jack-o’-Lantern

It’s an Irish folk story that once a blacksmith named Jack made a deal with evil. His soul didn’t get any place to reside neither in heaven nor in hell so he used to roam all around carrying a lantern and this lantern was made of a turnip. later this became a norm to keep a lantern on the windowsill and slight turnip replaced by pumpkin.
7. Star Of Life

Blue star represents the immediate medical help in U.S. and many other countries. Each ray in star tells something about the emergency. detection, reporting, response, on-the-scene care, care in transit, and transit to definitive care.
8. Play, Pause, And Stop

There is quite a confusion that who actually created this symbol. Some say it was the artist Wassily Kandinsky other believe, it was Rain Wersem, the creator of one of the first cassette players.
Triangle symbolizes the moment while the square is a stable sign while pause came from musical sign сaesura. Red record button avoids the accident of pressing this button without any use.
9. Barbershop poles

Red blue and white symbol which looks like a lollipop is actually a symbol used by barbers in many Europeans countries. Barber, to some extent, can do some medical things like removing a tooth or bloodletting. Red represents blood while white represents bandages.
10. The red cross

Red Cross is now famous as the symbol of medicine. First time this symbol was used by (ICRC) International Committee of the Red Cross. it was made keeping in mind that it should resemble the flag of Switzerland. Later on, it went everywhere but few Muslim countries rejected it. Since the cross is associated with Christianity. Red Crescent, another symbol made for them. Israel made a special symbol, the red crystal because they wanted to use a neutral symbol.
Signs says a lot and it,s the best form of non-verbal communication.Here are some sign about boys and girls lets find out whether he is into you or not.