
These Things Every Employer Looks For In A Resume

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When you’re applying for a job, the first thing any employer finds out about you is from your resume. If you fail to get this important document right, you’ll probably never meet the person deciding whether to employ you. With this in mind, here are some of the things you should include in your resume to secure that all-important interview and that even more important future career.


Unique Qualifications

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The first thing any potential employer will look for is your education and the qualifications you hold. The only problem is many of the candidates going for the same job will probably have the exact same qualifications. For example, there are probably very few people going for a job as a journalist that doesn’t have a journalism degree on their CV. That’s why it’s important to get more alternative qualifications than just your main college degree.

Luckily, not every qualification requires education full time. There are some qualifications — for example, the courses in cloud-based technology that offer industry-recognized Azure certifications — that you can complete from home and in your own time. These extra qualifications will show potential employers that you haven’t just done the bare minimum, but that you’ve sought out further ways to develop your knowledge and skills.


Real-life Experience

New technologies real life experience

As well as good qualifications, it’s also important that you include some real-life experience of using these skills. You might leave college thinking you know everything that you need to know to walk into any role. The fact of the matter is there is still a lot to learn about working life once you’ve left education. Learning how to do something in a classroom is different from completing the same tasks in real life for real customers and clients. Therefore, it’s highly likely you’ll learn how to do a lot of things differently when it comes to using those skills in the real world.

While many students might not consider this real-life experience to be important, it’s likely that any employer will. Make sure you can demonstrate the ways you’ve used these skills in the real world. You might think that in order to do that you need to first secure a job. There are many ways you can get this experience without a paid job. For example, if you are looking for a career in retail, volunteer at a charity thrift store. If you want to be a writer, set up your own blog.


Hobbies And Interests

Hobbies and interests Resume

You might think that the hobbies section of a resume is one of the least important parts of the document. You might think that what you do outside of work will be of no interest to your potential new employer. In fact, many people don’t even include this information on their resume for that very reason. The truth is that there are a number of hobbies that could impress any panel. For example, if you do amateur dramatics or stand up comedy, it shows that you’re confident in talking in front of people. Think about what your hobbies say about you before adding them to any resume.

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Anushka Jain
the authorAnushka Jain
'Either write something worth reading or do something worth writing.'