6. Sleeping- The Sign Of Hard Work

South Koreans tend to sleep almost anywhere, in trains, at the office, or maybe while traveling and it is highly appreciated as sleeping is marked as a sign of getting tired of hard labor as we can see their ultra-fast lifestyle. So the fellow citizens don’t mind coming across someone sleeping or maybe a power nap.
7. Getting Together At Convenient Stores

This may sound too strange as we Indians usually don’t like to get together in supermarkets as here the rules to are against that as an only certain number of customers are allowed at a time but in South Korea, there are chairs and tables arranged in order for people to chill with their friends and family again saving time by not visiting any restaurants for the same purpose.
8. Pregnant Women Are Supported By The Government

Though strange but cool as the government has implemented several laws along with the motion for pregnant women which include reserved spaces for them in subways and parking lots. Being not limited to this, the government allows special credit cards for pregnant women in order to spend $500 for their medical expenses.
9. Uniforms For Kindergarten

Schools in South Korea keeping it strict for kids to show up in schools is a good thing as it symbolizes discipline and equality among the tiny tots but the thing that stinks is that in South Korea even the kindergarten students are forced to be in uniform. They defend this rule with a wise thought that this makes it easier for the institution to look for the kids in a crowd during an emergency.
10. Couples Should Dress Similar

Well, it’s a great way to demonstrate the feeling of love and oneness in public by dressing almost the same for couples. But South Koreans defend this trend with a mind-set that dressing similar is practiced in order to let fellows know that the similar dressed ones are together.
Every country has its own culture and its own beliefs. With modernization, there is an exchange of several aspects across the globe. The exchanges are of beliefs, ideas, rituals, resources. Also, Read the most irrational ideas that were adopted by the west.
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