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These Touching Stories Assures You That True Caring And Love Exists in This Universe

Touching Stories



At least to me, animals are far better than some human beings. Animals give the true sense of friendship, dedication, care, infinite devotion and these are the things one should experience at least once in one’s life. Every creature in this world has emotions. If you think, only human beings have that, then probably you should read this.


1. This is how these two elephants felt when they met after 25 years

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The elephants Jenny and Shirley were taken to the circus at the same time: Jenny was just a baby, and Shirley was already 20 years old. Due to some situations, their ways parted. After 25 years, they met in an elephant shelter.




Shelter workers said that there was an immediate urgency in Jenny’s behavior. ”She was trying to reach Shirley’s stall with her trunk and was very worried. Then Shirley started to roar with all her might. We have never experienced anything even close to this depth of emotion." they said.


2. This dog gave hope to suriya, the orangutan who lost the desire to live. That friendship is a gift!


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Suryia lost his parents when he was small. He lost the desire to live, wouldn’t eat, and didn’t respond to treatment. When a dog was brought to the shelter, he became his best friend at once. Since then they have been inseparable.


3. This whale saved this woman's life




Mila the Beluga whale pushed Yang Yun to the surface with her nose when the woman had stiff legs during a diving competition. And thus she saved her life.


4.  What this parrot said to his friend before he died melts your heart




"You be good. I love you." This is what Irene Pepperberg heard from her beloved parrot as a goodbye before he died.


5. Do I need to say about unconditional love that dogs give? See what this loyal dog does even after his owner died


Tommy used to visit a church with his owner. But when she passed away, he started visiting services alone. Your dog is only a part of the world for you, but you’re the world for them.


6.  Cows, the sattvic animal gives the real friendship


Well, we all know the cow and lion story. In 2011, scientists proved that cows know what friendship is and experience real grief being separated from their friend.


7. After 1 year, this lion met his owners. This is how he reacted




Two brothers from London raised Christian the lion cub.  Sadly, he got too big for them to take care off so they decided to release him to live as a wild lion. After a year later they decided to travel Africa to visit him, but they were told he had become wild and had his own pride, so he wouldn’t recognize them. But what happened when Christian saw them is absolutely amazing.


8. These elephants walked 12 hours to conservationist Lawrence Anthony's house when they came to know he died



When conservationist Lawrence Anthony died, these South African elephants gathered in a group and walked 12 hours to his house. Anthony had saved them from death when poachers wanted to shoot them.


9. This dog fed milk to more than 30 animals of different species who lost their moms


Lisha the Labrador Retriever fed milk to more than 30 animals of different species who lost their moms. She continued to raise these babies after this, teaching them to survive.


10. This Gorilla closed her eyes during a sad farewell scene in TV to control her emotions


Koko the gorilla watched Tea with Mussolini on TV and closed her eyes during a sad farewell scene, in order not to see it.


11.Several Pit Bulls attacked these children and Jack Russell Terrier bravely fought with all of those Pit Bulls and rescued children


These children were playing with a Jack Russell Terrier, George, when several Pit Bulls attacked them. George tried to protect the children and jumped on the other dogs, but he was seriously wounded. He saved five children and was posthumously awarded a medal for courage.


12. These dogs saved their owners from World Trade Center attack


Two guide dogs, Salty and Roselle took their owners out of the World Trade Center during the attack on September 11, 2001.


13. Leo became everything to this blind Spaniel Ellie. What an amazing love and care!


When her owners took blind Spaniel Ellie to their house, they couldn’t imagine their other dog, Leo, would become a guide for Ellie. He helps her on walks, pointing the way and protecting her from other dogs.


14. This fish smashed a clamshell against a stone to get the contents


In 2011, a diver photographed this fish on the Great Barrier Reef. It smashed a clamshell against a stone to get the contents. The ability to use tools is considered a sign of developed intelligence. Many animals have learned to use simple tools, but this rarely occurs among fish.


15. This dog saved her owner from gang of robbers


Patricia Adshead was going to drink a cup of tea when a gang of robbers with knives broke into her house. One of them began to threaten the woman, and her dog grabbed the assailant’s hand and saved the owner, having received a head injury. "If she hadn’t gone for him I would have been dead," says Patricia. The dog was awarded a medal for bravery.


16. This dog brought police to his owner’s burning house


This dog jumped out onto the road to attract the attention of the police. He ran for several kilometers to clearly point the way and eventually led a patrol to his owner’s burning house.


17. Instead of killing, this owl took care of this baby bird


Gandolf the owl laid eggs every year and waited for offspring, but the babies never hatched. Once she was thrown an egg from which a baby goose hatched. She took care of him, even though owls usually kill baby birds that differ from them in appearance or smell.


18. There are incidents where no person comes to see the other person when they know that person died. But see what this chimpanzees did for their friend.


At the Chimpanzee Rescue Center in Cameroon, Dorothy the chimp died of heart failure. During her funeral, an amazing thing happened: her friends stood around and embraced, as if saying goodbye to her.


19.  You can’t stop embracing their friendship




A dolphin named Jet and a seal named Miri from Australia have been real friends since childhood. For them, there’s nothing better than joint games. In the wild, they would probably compete for food.


20. This orangutan took care of several lion and tiger cubs




Hanama the orangutan adopted several lion and tiger cubs and became their nurse until they could take care of themselves.


21. Cat saved the baby from an angry dog




This heroic cat, Tara, saved baby Jeremy when an angry dog attacked him.


Well, there are plenty of such heart-touching stories. Now, don’t you think that, animals are far better than some human beings? If you nurture any animal and give your friendship, love and caring, then that animal too gives you the same and even beyond where this is not the case with human beings. If they feel, you are not useful to them then they show their real nature.

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Pavani Bharathula
I am Pavani, stands for highly deterministic, self-motivator, highly individual, independent and bold person; like to inspire and motivate people through my writings and speeches.

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