
True Stories Of These Children Who Were Raised By The Animals

Chidren raised by the animals via

5. Marina Chapman

Marina Chapman resided in a Colombian jungle

Marina Chapman lived in a Colombian jungle due to a kidnapping which took place when she was only 5 years old. After that, she was adopted by a family of monkeys before she was rescued by the hunters. Marina was rehabilitated in the center and is now happily married with children.


6. Medina

Medina, a small Russian child, living with dogs in 2013

Social workers could finally find Medina, a small Russian child, who lived with dogs in the year 2013. The animals were everything she ever knew about. Luckily, she was captured early enough and is still hoped to live a normal life.


7. Genie

Genie was discovered in 1970

Genie was discovered in the year 1970, as the American child’s father confirmed that she did not have that mental capacity for existing in a normal society. So by the time she was 13, she could not use a toilet and also she walked like a rabbit. Hence she spent the rest of her life in a facility for the developmentally disabled.


8. Leopard Boy

India’s Leopard Boy is the stuff of legend

India’s Leopard Boy was a legend. This illustration shows us his life in the year 1912, as he was not able to walk upright and communicated totally in growls and grunts. He will surely learn to speak someday, but he lost his sight due to a common genetic disorder which causes cataract.