
True Stories Of These Children Who Were Raised By The Animals

Chidren raised by the animals via

9. Chicken Boy

Chicken Boy was located in Fiji during 1978

This Sujit Kumar Chicken Boy lived in Fiji during the year 1978 and his description is quite apt. Although he is now believed to be alive and also well, under the care of a lady named Elizabeth Clayton, who rescued him.


10. Amala And Kamala

Amala and Kamala lived in a wolves’ den in India until 1920

Amala and Kamala used to live in a wolves’ den in India until the year 1920. This case is still believed to be one of the most known feral child cases ever! Whereas both the girls died within years after being captured.


11. Ivan Mishukov

Ivan Mishukov ran away from his Russian family at the age of four

Ivan Mishukov left his Russian family at the age of four due to their persistent abuse. He was found in the year 1998 after turning into a dog pack leader. And since he was the only feral for a very short time, he gradually recovered.


12. Girl Of Champagne

Wild Girl of Champagne is a famous case

The Wild Girl of Champagne is a very famous case that involved a feral child. Since the story took place centuries ago, it is amazingly well documented. She was first seen at the age of 19 and her skin was black. She also had developed claws which later she recovered from her experiences.