These Are The Weirdest Snakes In The World – #7 Is Really Creepy

Weird snakesWeird snakes


Majority of us do not like snakes. A sense of weirdness comes in our mind whenever we listen to the word itself. Also, the snakes are of different appearances and some look very unique. So, here are 11 of the weirdest snakes in the world.


1. Blind Snake


This snake is commonly found in Asia and Africa. They are as thin as earthworms. Also, these snakes are blind as their eyes are covered with scales. They move with the help of possible light reflection that falls on their eyes. Also, this reflection is used for motion and survival.


2. Horned Desert Viper


This snake has a weird pair of supraocular “horns”. They are very rare and are native to Northern Africa. They tend to mix with the environment because of their brown color.


3. Spiny Bush Viper


This very dangerous snake has spiked scales. Its venom content is also high. Their length is around 65 cm and they are found in Central Africa. The very scary and shocking thing about this is that no anti-venom is there until now for this snake.


4. Tentacle Snake


This is the only aquatic snake with a tentacle on its forehead. The tentacles have venomous fangs which is dangerous for few aquatic animals and used to catch fish. They are found in South-East Asia only near aquatic regions.


5. Flying Snake


A flying snake? Did you imagine that? Yes, there exists a flying snake also known as ‘Gliding Snake’. They can climb tall trees with the help of their rigged scales. Also, they are primarily found in South-East Asia. The flying snake generally glide down to attack the prey or escape from dangers.

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Sivanesh Ashok: