
Indian Journalist Received Sexually Abusive Texts And What She Did Gives Courage To All

Indian JournalistIndian Journalist


Women are being harassed either through words or through physical actions all over the world. In ancient days, punishments were very severe in India when anyone commits such crime. Now, the atrocities are getting increased because of no stringent punishments. But, it’s not the same in other countries.

UAE laws are very strict against women harassment even on social media.

This kerala employee not only lost his job but also his visa has been cancelled as he sent sexually abusive messages to another Indian journalist.

This clearly shows how well the Cybercrime law in the UAE is implemented.

What actually happened?

The 31-year-old Bincy Lal Balachandran from Kerala who was working at the Alpha Paint in Dubai wasn’t aware of the seriousness of UAE employers towards their laws.

He sent very vulgar messages to another Indian journalist Rana Aayub on Face book who is also working in the same company.

Rana Aayub, a well-known journalist from Delhi exposed Bincy Lal Balachandran on Twitter by attaching the vulgar messages he sent to her Facebook inbox.

Have a closer look.


This is how the company officials responded.

The HR manager of the company told Gulf News, “We verified the accuracy of the information and checked on the name of the man. On April 8, at 8 am the termination order of (B.B.) was issued. When we checked on his Facebook account, we saw the abusive message which was sent to that lady in addition to offensive posts against Islam.”

On knowing about this, Rana tweeted saying, 

Rana said, “I think it is brave of them to do this without even me filing an FIR…and without even getting in touch with me… He could do this at his workplace tomorrow if he doesn’t like someone. This is a lesson for even others who write such messages.”

“I have been told that the UAE laws are very strict against women harassment even on social media. For the first time I am personally seeing it happening. It feels that women are indeed safe there. I think the UAE government also deserves congratulations,” she continued.

Women tend to ignore when they receive such abusive messages on social media because they feel in the end, they will be the ones who will be shamed. Rana urges social media victims to open up and expose the accused. Hope India too will make punishments stronger against those who harass women.

Managing such pressure and emotional outburst is not so easy for a woman. Salute to you Rana Ayyub.


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Pavani Bharathula
I am Pavani, stands for highly deterministic, self-motivator, highly individual, independent and bold person; like to inspire and motivate people through my writings and speeches.

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