Who of us doesn’t like chocolates? We all forget our age and fall prey to the choco craving when we come across chocolates. But have you ever wondered how our favorite chocolates were named so attractively that only through one name they are recognized worldwide? So let’s get to know the plots or reasons behind their weird but famous names.

If you are a keen observer then you’ll surely notice the packaging of a Toblerone bar, you’d have noticed the mountain on the side and the bear shape on top of it. You’ll be glad to know That the mountain symbolizes the town of its origin that is the Matterhorn mountain located in the Swiss Alps.
The pyramid-shaped chocolate was created by Mr. Theodor Tobler with his cousin. This chocolate had in it milk chocolate with nougat, almonds, and honey as the main ingredients.
The name of the chocolate was derived as a conjunction of the last name of Mr. Tobler and the Italian word for nougat namely torrone.
Mars Bar

Mars bar was named after the company that makes it named Mars Incorporated and that company was named after its founder named Franklin Clarence Mars. In the year 1932 Mars Inc. Began producing Mars bars as a localized version of Milky Way. Milky way was their first mass-produced chocolate in 1923 in Minneapolis.

The Cadbury brothers namely George and Richard dubbed the name of their Bournville factory from a brook that ran near their factory site named Bourn brook and ‘Ville’ was dubbed from a French word for town. It was also named from the area of Birmingham, where their factory was relocated to in 1879.
Kit Kat

The name Kit Kat was believed to be originated from the famous Kit Kat jazz night club which was quite famous in the 1920s. Before being named Kit Kat in 1937, it was known as Rowntree’s Chocolate Crisps in 1935.

Snickers were Mars Inc.’s next step to the Milky Way chocolate in 1930. Franklin Mars named the nutty delicacy after his wife’s favorite racehorse named Marathon as the nutty bar offered instant energy enough to run a marathon.

Trix was born in the UK in 1967. The confluence of two words namely ‘twin’ to depict 2 rows and ‘mix’ depicted the mixture of various ingredients like caramel, chocolate, and biscuits.
Ferrero Rocher

The name ‘Ferrero’ depicts its Italian producer and the second name describes it a bit as ‘Rocher’ means rock or boulder in French. In 1950, Michele Ferrero overtook the leadership after the death of his father Pietro, and his uncle Giovanni.
Were you aware of these facts about the World’s famous chocolates? Do you know scientists have discovered a new form of Chocolate known as Ruby Chocolate.
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