
The List Of Countries With The Highest Defense Budget, India Spends A Whopping Amount On Defense

America Is The Country With The Highest Defense Budget

Countries With Highest Defense Budgetvia

Global Fire Power has unveiled the list of most powerful Military forces in the world India has retained the fourth spot and our neighbor country China is one spot ahead of us on the third spot. Pakistan slipped four spots and landed on seventeenth in the list of 136 countries. We all know the Defense budget plays an important role in the Military strength of a country. So today we have brought you the list of the countries that spend the most amounts as their Defense budget.



Countries With Highest Defense Budget

Pakistan’s military forces are the seventeenth most powerful in the world. For a great power, they have to pay a huge amount of Rs 48,000 Cr. Still, the amount is quite less if we compare it with the Indian military expenses.

Here is the list of top 5 countries.


5. India

Countries With Highest Defense Budget

India is among the top five countries that spend the most amounts as Defense budget. It has a military strength of 13.6 Lakh soldiers and it spends, Rs 3.2 Lakh crore for the defense purpose.


4. The United Kingdom

Countries With Highest Defense Budget

The United Kingdom also has to spend a huge amount on its defense. This year the military expenses of the country were Rs 3.4 Lakh crore.

Ravi Dabas
the authorRavi Dabas
A literature student, horror movies lover, laconic speaker, a Muay Thai practitioner, full-time hustler and part-time writer and poet.